Monday, February 10, 2014

TEC, Rebreathers, and Doubles

I have recently become a Tec diver, with training from advanced deco procedures up to Trimix which is a gas mixture of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Helium. 
Helium is an inert gas that has no narcotic effect at depth, so by replacing some of the nitrogen in what you are breathing with helium, we are able to dive much deeper without endangering ourselves by doing something we would not normally do.  This does not shorten our decompression needs though, so at the deeper depths, it is important to have more than enough breathing gas.  Depending on the depths and times you are trying to achieve, this becomes a real drag.  My equipment was double lp 108s and a 40 ft^3 bottle of Oxygen, just because I did not want to do really long dives, but some of my friends regularly dive with doubles and two or more full size scuba bottles hanging on them. 
I am very excited to start my journey into technical diving, but I do not see myself ever getting into the really deep stuff, I believe my personal enjoyment is in the realm of 150 feet or shallower.  I did love being able to extend my dive time into deco without worrying.  I see so many great applications for this style of diving in our area.  We have many sites in the 100 ft plus range that I would love to spend more than 20 minutes exploring.  32 % nitrox allows for 30 minutes, but with deco procedures, we can now stay down much much longer.  With trimix, we can even have a completely clear head on dives that are exceeding 100 feet.  The options are amazing, I cannot wait to explore more.

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